Julieta Lanteri, the first woman to vote in Latin America
Julieta Lanteri
Born in Italy on March 22, 1873 and Argentinian citizen. In 1911, Julieta became the first woman to vote in Latin America, even though women did not have the right to vote at that time.
Julieta was also the first woman to graduate from the National School of La Plata, and in 1906 she graduated as a doctor. Julieta participated in the politics of her country and after several battles won legally, she ran as a candidate for deputy, which made her in 1919 the first female candidate in Argentina.
Julieta was a doctor, defender of Women’s Rights, activist and politician. She died on 23 February 1932, at age of 59.
UNC (May 2018) Julieta Lanteri (1873-1932) The University of North Carolina Retrieved 14 May 2019 from: https://hsl.lib.unc.edu/specialcollections/bios/lanteri
Negri, Juan Javier (February 2018) Julieta Lanteri, una pionera del feminismo. La Nacion. Retrieved 14 May 2019 from: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/2111106-julieta-lanteri-una-pionera-del-feminismo