Health and Medicine
Elena Maseras, First Woman to Study Medicine in The University of Barcelona
She was born on May 25, 1853 in Vilaseca, Spain, raised in a family of doctors, she decided to follow in her family’s footsteps when she finished her bachelor of arts, but it was quite a challenge. She had to obtain a royal order from King Armadeo of Savoy, which allowed women to study in […]
Averil Mansfield, The First Female Professor of Surgery in the United Kingdom
At the time you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Averil did know it and she became what she wanted to be Averil Mansfield She was born in the United Kingdom on June 21, 1937. Since she was a child, she felt very attracted to science and medicine. […]
Dafne Almazan, the first Mexican under 18 admitted to Harvard
What would your plans be if you had already graduated from the University at 14 ? Dafne Almazan Anaya She was born in Mexico at the beginning of this century and has an extraordinary ability to learn, which has led to an academic life at a dizzying pace and out of series. Knowing the chronology […]
Lidia Sogandares, The First Medical and Obstetrician Gynecologist in Panama
Can you imagine that at the end of your professional studies, you can not immediately practice your profession? Lidia Gertrudis Sogandares Rivera She was born in Panama in the first decade of the twentieth century. Her family was made up of her parents and 5 siblings. As a young girl, she was a student of […]
Julieta Lanteri, the first woman to vote in Latin America
Julieta Lanteri Born in Italy on March 22, 1873 and Argentinian citizen. In 1911, Julieta became the first woman to vote in Latin America, even though women did not have the right to vote at that time. Julieta was also the first woman to graduate from the National School of La Plata, and in 1906 […]
Margarita Chorné y Salazar, The First Odontologist and Professional Female in Latin America
Margarita Chorné y Salazar Margarita Chorné y Salazar did not study a College Degree as such, however Margarita knew and practiced the skills dentist helping her father, who worked as a dentist too; Later, when her older brother became one of them, also she helped him. At 21 years old, Margarita showed she knew the […]
Matilde Montoya, The First Mexican Female Medical Surgeon
Matilde Montoya She studied midwifery in the Establishment of Medical Sciences, which involved two years of theoretical studies, a final examination to five synodical, and practice for a year at the Maternity Hospital exam. At 16, Montoya received the title of Midwife and settled to work in Puebla with resounding success. Once initiated her studies […]