Dafne Almazan, the first Mexican under 18 admitted to Harvard
What would your plans be if you had already graduated from the University at 14 ?
Dafne Almazan Anaya
She was born in Mexico at the beginning of this century and has an extraordinary ability to learn, which has led to an academic life at a dizzying pace and out of series. Knowing the chronology of Dafne’s accomplishments is similar to watching a movie in fast motion.
- She learned to read at 3
- In two years, she finished her elementary and junior high school studies. Regularly those studies are concluded in a period of 9 years.
- Dafne was 8 years old when she completed high school studies
- At 14, she gain a degree in Psychology at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM)
- According to the records of the Academy of World Records, Dafne is the Youngest Psychologist in the World
- She finished her master’s degree by graduating with a thesis on the positive effects of differentiated education in the teaching of mathematics for gifted elementary levels
- Dafne gave a presentation at the World Gifted Conference in Tennessee, USA
- She earned the Mexico City Youth Award, in the category of Scientific and Academic Activities in 2018
- She has two certifications at Harvard University (Differentiated Education and Significant Learning Techniques)
- Dafne speaks English and studies French, Mandarin Chinese and Latin
- She has taught at the Talent Assistance Center (CEDAT), where more than 300 gifted children attend
- Dafne also takes piano lessons and practices sports
- She has started studies to earn her second Bachelor Degree, in Law
Know her a little bit more through this video:
CEDAT (2018) Dafne Almazán Anaya. Centro de Atención al Talento. Retrieved September, 2019 from: http://www.cedat.com.mx/es/content/dafne-almaz%C3%A1n-anaya
Alto Nivel (11 de junio de 2019) La psicóloga más joven del mundo estudia en Harvard y no usa redes sociales. Alto Nivel. Retrieved September, 2019 from: https://www.altonivel.com.mx/lideres/psicologa-mas-joven-mundo-estudia-harvard-no-usa-redes-sociales/
López Andrea (7 de febrero de 2019) Dafne Almazán: mexicana de 17 años estudia en Harvard. Tec Review, Tecnológico de Monterrey.Retrieved September, 2019 from: https://tecreview.tec.mx/dafne-almazan-mexicana-17-anos-estudia-en-harvard/