Margarita Chorné y Salazar, The First Odontologist and Professional Female in Latin America
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Margarita Chorné y Salazar, The First Odontologist and Professional Female in Latin America

Margarita Chorné y Salazar


Margarita Chorné y Salazar did not study a College Degree as such, however Margarita knew and practiced the skills dentist helping her father, who worked as a dentist too; Later, when her older brother became one of them, also she helped him.

At 21 years old, Margarita showed she knew the trade, which largely dominated the physiological, anatomical and technological knowledge and could exercise like they did at that time the few dentists graduates in Mexico. So to get the degree, she was required a letter from a dentist already established that endorse her knowledge of the subject, a request for a test to the Director of the School of Medicine, three letters of persons of recognized moral solvency to certify that Margarita was a decent person and Christian, in addition to paying 100 pesos.

On February 1st, 1886 the Board of Education of the Federal District issued the first professional title to a woman in Latin America, Margarita Chorne and Salazar, dentist.

Margarita was also the first woman to use ether as a local anesthetic.

The Embassy of France gave her recognition for being the first called in an independent profession in Latin America.


References :

Kuri Diaz Martha (2001) Margarita Chorne, Precursor of Professional Independence of Women in Latin America, Press Release – DGCS UNAM, available online

Leon Ricardo (2011) The first dentist, Archipiélago Magazine, available online