Eulalia Guzman, The First Mexican Antropologist

Eulalia Guzmán Barrón (1890–1985) was a post-war feminist pioneer, educator, and nationalist thinker of the Mexican Revolution. She was a progressive social and cultural fighter of great importance to the movements of the 20th Century. Eulalia learned several languages, she was fluent in German, English, French, and Italian.
Eulalia Guzman
was born in Zacatecas, Mexico
Eulalia and her family
moved to Mexico City
She became a founder and member of Feminist Club Admirers of Benito Juarez
among with Hermila Galindo, Luz Vera and Laura N. Torres
She got a degree as Teacher
of the Normal School of Professors
She is named Director of the Campaign Against Illiteracy
She published her book “La Escuela Nueva”

Commissioner to attend conferences and congresses in the United States (Pan American Round Table), Switzerland, as well as Germany
Eulalia organizes a group of women from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
with Rosario Castellanos and Amalia Castillo Ledón

She is commissioned for the expedition to the archaeological zones of Monte Albán and the Mixteca Alta
Obtains a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from the National Autonomous University of Mexico
She is commissioned to study Mexican archaeological and historical pieces in various museums
and libraries in Austria, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, England, Italy and the United States.
She earns a Bachelor Degree of Archeology
and creates the Historical Archive of the National Library of Anthropology and History (BNAH)

She is invited to collaborate in a literacy project for Latin America by Walt Disney Studios
Eulalia publicly declared that she had found the remains of the Mexican tlatoani Cuauhtémoc,

She classified about 53 thousand objects from the private collection of his friend Diego Rivera
some pieces are exhibited in the Frida Kahlo and Anahuacalli Museums
She retires from the National Institute of Anthropology and History

Eulalia dies in Mexico City
Guzmán Barron Eulalia. Publicaciones Digitales, DGSCA, UNAM. Retrieved on 4/12/2020 from: http://biblioweb.tic.unam.mx/diccionario/htm/biografias/bio_g/guzman_barron.htm
Serra Puche, Mari Carmen and de la Torre Mendoza Manuel. Eulalia Guzman. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM. Retrieve on April 12, 2020 from: http://www.uam.mx/e_libros/biografias/GUZMAN.pdf