Register the birth of a child, is not yet a right for every women
1 min read

Register the birth of a child, is not yet a right for every women

paper-1976101__340Having a birth certificate is foundational. Birth certificates are the first step toward a legal identity. However, in some economies, mothers cannot register the birth of a child in the same way as fathers.

In Greece, the father is legally obligated to register the child; the mother needs a special mandate by a notary attorney to do so. In Barbados, Fiji and Namibia, a mother can legally register the newborn only when the father is absent, dead or incapable. And in The Gambia, the father is legally required to register children born within a marriage, and the mother has this legal responsibility for children born outside marriage.





World Bank Group. 2018. Women, Business and the Law 2018. Washington, DC: World Bank. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO. Available online

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