Evelyn Miot, the first black woman to reach the top fifteen finalists position in Miss Universe
1 min read

Evelyn Miot, the first black woman to reach the top fifteen finalists position in Miss Universe

Evelyn Miot

Born in Haiti in 1943. At age 18 she was one of the 15 finalists of the 1962 edition. In her own words she says that her legacy is having been a pioneer for Haiti in Miss Universe.

Married for more than 45 years with the Italian, Johnny Camarchioli, they have lived for some time in Canada.


Charlot, Marjorie (2015) Did You Know?: Over One Hundred Facts About Haiti and Her Children. IUniverse. Retrieved February 18, 2019 from https://books.google.com/books?id=qoQyCwAAQBAJ&pg=PT35&dq=Evelyn…

Ticket Magazine (Febrero 2017) Evelyne Miot, première noire semi-finaliste à Miss Univers. Retrieved February 18, 2019 from https://lenouvelliste.com/article/168093/evelyne-miot-premiere-noire-semi-finaliste-a-miss-univers